??????Don??????t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who are alive.??????
???????Harold Whitman
I got that quote from PicoBusiness just now.
I spent too long working for [big company] and then I spent some time working doing work that I loved for [small company]. I guess I’m saying that I’m still not settled and I don’t feel 100% alive. I feel I need something that will absolutely set me on fire. It’s going to have to involve other people I guess and I hope that I’ll recognise that someone, or some-people when they come along.
Infurious provides part of the spark I guess. Moreso at the start. Aidan and I recovered from the shock of iCal Server by having a brainstorming night. Half of the evening was spent reconciling our old plan with the new plan (which is not called the current plan) and the other half was spent thinking up new products. As Ben Bleything says in the comments here it is probably more of an opportunity than anything else. Ben has done some additional work with SyncServices which, if you’re into Ruby, you really should look at. In fact, go do it now and come back in a minute. [waits] Okay? Right, where were we.
A few months ago we laid the groundwork for these product ideas by idly wishing that [insert cool thing] was easy and accessible and didn’t get in the way of getting stuff done. This seems to be the model for any small project. The areas we’re working on are in “tagging” and also something to help the end user with sharing big files. We have other stuff in the pipelines too. I think it’s fair to say that while we’re a little tiny company with no offices, we have some amazing ideas for products. Put it another way, I’d ignored tagging before….now I can’t wait.
There are some other changes too. We’re on the hunt for new faces and I’m happy to say that we’re going to have a new face appearing on the blog too. Watch this space.