- We’ve had over 200 beta testers sign up. Thanks!
- We’ve released three new beta versions to add minor enhancements (and fix one minor bug)
- One final beta version is in the works which will fix support for storing the password in the keychain (and ensure non-English letters (e.g. ???) display properly on the website)
- We’ve had interest from a number of companies in the SyncBridge Enterprise Edition (where you can run your own server)
- No-one has reported any data loss
- We’ve managed to upgrade the service pretty seamlessly 4 times in ten days
Overall, I’m really happy with how things have gone to date. I expect the final release will follow a few days after the next beta fix, which should be in a few days time.
ummm….I’ve spent the last hour looking for the place to sign up, price, etc. I think I found the price.
Hi Maggie,
If you visit the SyncBridge product page there is a “Try Now” button the right-hand side. This links you to http://syncbridge.com, which is where you can sign-up.
As for the price, given that we’re in Beta, no-one is charged anything. The prices for post-Beta are listed in the Readme when you download SyncBridge and also in the online help on syncbridge.com when you log in.
Our website will be re-vamped very shortly; we’ll make sure it’s easier to find everything you need to know.