Wired has a great article today. It’s just a collection of quotes from Steve Jobs, the half-Syrian silicon Valley wunderkind who’s achieved more than most of us can hope to. Especially seeing as he was a millionaire before the age of 30. I’ve failed utterly on that one but let’s face it, if you’re going to pick a role model, you might as well pick one who will be HARD to beat.
My good friend PJ spent years working to get to draw Judge Dredd for 2000AD. It seemed an impossible mission. He toiled for years. And, eventually, he managed it. And I remember sitting in his little studio room when he said, “Now what?” (yes, I’m paraphrasing). He’s since got involved in all sorts of exciting stuff but it was one of those moments when I realised my own goals might not be lofty enough.
Suffice to say I have realigned my goals and they would now curl your toes. I have ambitions that tower over the landscape like a really tall, towery thing.
Anyway, back to The Steve.
I think Steve is not a bad role model. He’s aggressive, driven, determined. He’s shrewd, intelligent, capable of amazingly profound observations and also unafraid to call someone a bastard when they need to be called a bastard.
My favourite quotes:
Innovation has nothing to do with how many R and D dollars you have.
Nobody has tried to swallow us since I’ve been here. I think they are afraid how we would taste.
It is hard to think that a $2 billion company with 4,300-plus people couldn’t compete with six people in blue jeans.
Yeah, man! (Sorry, I went to see Henry Rollins on his Spoken Word tour on Tuesday night and it’s got me all fired up and ANGRY, not in a violent way…but in a change things way…)
So, Steve may not be an ideal role model, but he’s going to be one who’s hard to beat.