I’m just off the phone with the local radio part of the BBC. I listened for a few minutes as they described the growing porridge industry and the price of heifers in Markethill and then it was my turn. Four questions about these recent virus/trojan/malware outbreaks on the Mac and then they switch to the news. BOOM. Done. Wham bam, thank you ma’am.
I’ve been thinking about doing a podcast similar to Jared’s SpodCast (EXPLICIT LYRICS) and even wondering about video podcasts now that we have these nifty iMac Core Duo machines with built in cameras. I think the horror may be too much.
It’s not the first time I’ve been on the radio. Back in college when I was running gaming cons I was interviewed twice as an “authority”. Now I’m the local authority on the Mac I guess.
Anyway – a quick conversation about it not being a big deal, how Mac users need to be responsible internet users and how Mac users tend to be creative, interesting people and we’ll see who else was listening at 6:45 in the morning! Brrrr.