I blogged about this recently but I do think the “next big thing” is not web sites that enable the building of social networks (Sorry Mr Andresson, sorry 30 boxes) but rather “rich” interfaces to social data.
I remember speaking to the Jebus about this and Orkut. The thing that sucks with Orkut is the interface. Make it into a nice Cocoa-ified interface and it becomes easy to use.
Similarly, 30boxes, Google, Yahoo, Microsoft are all getting into the calendaring space – because a calendar along with an address book is the basis of a social network – not only who you know, but who are you near and when.
Okay, for sure, Marc Andresson knows a lot more than me about making a million bucks on the internet and there are some smart cookies behind these other companies that obviously make me look like a straw chewing irish yokel sitting in a puddle in comparison – but I think I’m right.
I should be a pundit, really.