A genius on SiliconValleySleuth writes:
PS: If you still want to argue that OS X doesn’t have security holes, you haven’t been looking at the security updates that the company has been publishing. Then you’re probably also ignoring the fact that OS X last year logged more security vulnerabilities than Windows XP.
That’s the beauty of the internet, anyone can write on it (yours truly included).
I don’t care if Mac OS X has logged more security vulnerabilities last year than Windows XP. That tells me there’s developer interest in more than the latest widget and it tells me the company is taking security seriously. Also, a lot of these vulnerabilities are not specific to Mac OS X but are with respect to the open source underpinnings which, on 90% of consumer Macs out there, are going to be theoretical only.
Security vulnerabilities are okay if logged and patched. And the writer claims that Microsoft is better at logging faults because they have the experience? Exsqueeze me? On one hand Apple is bad because Mac OS X logged more security faults and now Apple is bad because Microsoft has more experience? That’s great logic. If anything it tells me that DESPITE their experience, Microsoft still has a LONG way to go before they address the gaping holes in their security model. Vista (go buy it!), for example, has some great new security features (go buy it!) which seem cloned from Mac OS X specifically.
Exploits in the wild are A BAD THING ®. And exploits in the wild is where Windows shines. Sure, not many security vulnerabilities logged last year, but that doesn’t matter because we have MyDoom and Netsky and Kama Sutra plaguing us on Windows.
The core of this article comes from Security Focus. Who owns SecurityFocus?