Apple: do the right thing?

Dave Moore at The Norman Transcript asks whether Apple will “do right” by Mac OS X. This is emotive language. It assumes that by doing anything other than what Dave wants, Apple would be doing the wrong thing. So what does Dave think is the right thing? The hope is that Apple will release an … Continue reading “Apple: do the right thing?”

Dave Moore at The Norman Transcript asks whether Apple will “do right” by Mac OS X.

This is emotive language. It assumes that by doing anything other than what Dave wants, Apple would be doing the wrong thing. So what does Dave think is the right thing?

The hope is that Apple will release an officially sanctioned version for all Intel-based machines, and finally give Microsoft some well-deserved competition.

Dave cites Apple’s low market share as being down to licensing policies while at the same time suggesting that Apple is going easy on people who install Mac OS X for Intel on non-Mac hardware. He claims only Apple has manufactured Macs (ignoring the clones debacle but also ignoring the fact there have always been some vertical solutions for Macintosh in some markets). He says that “savvy users” have been looking for a superior alternative to Windows that runs on cheap X86 hardware. Well, who wouldn’t want great software on cheap hardware. In truth, Dave, the savvy users have been running a superior alternative to Windows on inexpensive hardware for a few years now.

Q. What has anything here got to do with “doing right by Mac OS X”?

A. Absolutely nothing.

What Dave doesn’t realise is that nothing changed back in January. Sure, a nondescript chip inside a computer changed to another nondescript chip, but really who cares?

Apple have just had the best quarter of sales in the company’s history – that’s 30 years building up to this one. But like every pundit before him, he knows better how to run Apple.

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