A friend chimed in to tell me he dipped into this web page. “My life…to go” he called it. Also mentioned it was bizarre. Well maybe it is. But not as bizarre as …this… (you’re sorta glad you can’t see that…trust me…) Anyway with one person sending me an email to tell me about how frustrated he is and another IM’ing me to let me know about how much of a sh!t his neighbours ex-boyfriend was …I think I’m about ready to declare war on Redmond. You know. Nuke it from orbit, the only way to be sure. There’s also the case of the hundreds of COMPLETE IDIOTS out there who still have the sodding virii that constantly beat on your website. Logs fill up with this crap you know. I can see your IP addresses you pillocks. Serves them right I guess. I mean…imagine still using Windows in this day and age… I really should go and write something. You know. I recently finished both Creed and Testament for the Late Gaming Company and I’m hankering to write some more. I want to write something for CrucibleDesign again but after one of them annoyed me today I’m just not in the mood. Shame because CodeName Frontier would be rather cool to work on right now but apparently I’m the sort of “scoff and point out the faults” when someone offers to help. Well, sorry, when the problem is people sending 40K Word documents when 9K text files contain the same information and don’t require me to spend % #400 quid on The Microsoft Tax then I’m not about the accept an option that allows me to “view” the Word files. Just sodding don’t send them! Yes, it’s doubly petty of me not to work on a project just because someone pissed me off but that’s the way it is. How am I meant to get motivated? There are five of us and when one person just refuses to do any work, another only does admin and the other two guys are too busy then it just leaves me. I have the time because I make time. I’m getting to the point where I could just kiss Crucible Design goodbye and call it quits but frankly I’ve too much time and emotion invested in it. I want to continue making books but I’m sick of the bullsh!t. Certain people are happy to coast along and do nothing but are quite willing to sign books at the end of the day. And that frankly sucks.
My Life…To Go
A friend chimed in to tell me he dipped into this web page. “My life…to go” he called it. Also mentioned it was bizarre. Well maybe it is. But not as bizarre as …this… (you’re sorta glad you can’t see that…trust me…) Anyway with one person sending me an email to tell me about how … Continue reading “My Life…To Go”