Yesterday I was visited by a nice BT engineer called Brendan and well…to cut a long story short…the install failed. The modem wouldn’t sync with the exchange and it isn’t a simple distance problem because those machines will sync out to 8 km….just at 8 km they may not pass any traffic…
This morning I got a call from him and I’ve just had my faith in humanity restored by his customer-focus and friendliness. He’s coming up to the house at 13:00 today to see if we can finish the job as it seems to have been an exchange fault.
Yesterday also had my brother up cutting the grass. First he managed to banjax the flymo on short grass (well…the blade came off…) and then when we hired out an “All Terrain Mower” in order to tackle the field and parking areas for the party on Sunday…it managed to break as well.
So much for durability. Still…we only got charged half price for the use of it and by lunchtime today I should be ADSL-enabled.