So…an announcement tomorrow

Apple, my favourite fruit company, is announcing some sort of new “breakthrough” device tomorrow with the only information available on it being: “Hint: It’s not a Mac.” As intended, this has got the media doing somersaults. Partly because it’s Apple and by calling it “breakthrough” they are setting the bar pretty high – this will … Continue reading “So…an announcement tomorrow”

Apple, my favourite fruit company, is announcing some sort of new “breakthrough” device tomorrow with the only information available on it being:

“Hint: It’s not a Mac.”

As intended, this has got the media doing somersaults. Partly because it’s Apple and by calling it “breakthrough” they are setting the bar pretty high – this will not be your run-of-the-mill MP3 player or apple branded PDA. Partly also because October 25th sees the release of Microsoft’s latest operating system, Windows XP. Microsoft is betting a lot on this release and has set aside US$200 Million for marketing. Ad I’m not surprised as their revenues have been increasing year on year since wayback, the percentage increase is getting smaller. See here for more.

So…Apple is talking this device up as well as putting information out on it the same week as Microsoft’s media blitz for Windows XP.

I’m curious naturally. I’m also wondering about whether a second job will be enough for me to afford it – assuming I like it. Speculation on the Mac Web is rampant with most people thinking it will be a firewire or airport hard drive for connecting to both your Mac and your music centre. Not a bad idea – how about a machine that would stream your CD or your radio over airport straight from your stereo? Neato indeed…but would everyone want or need one? Another speculation was a Quicktime movie player – a little device that will playback quicktime movies for you. Without content however it’s just a dumb device and hand held DVD players, though they have plenty of content are very very expensive.

What I want them to announce is something slightly different.

Yeah, it’s an MP3 player that will also record your voice. Big deal huh?

How about if it had an Airport card and an ethernet jack and could be used as an IP phone to other iTools users or even just to call any other IP phone with a compatible protocol. It would use the same microphone and speaker hardware as the MP3 player and voice recorder with just a few slight additions. thing is – no-one has done that before. Add in compatibility with instant messaging protocols (so THAT’s why they hired Eric Peyton of EpicWare) and you’ve got one sleek baby.

I’d buy that for a dollar.

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