I was talking about some interesting techie stuff with John via email but mail crashed before I sent the message so I’m feeling some small amount of hostility towards humanity right now.
Anyway…it was all about Semantic Web Agents
I think tim B-L labours the point a little when we’re really looking at what “cookies” are doing for us. Example: I’m not interested in alcohol, cigarettes or gambling. Therefore advertisements for those products are completely wasted on me. Some privacy nutters worry about targetted advertising – I say…where’s my darned targetted advertising! I want to be targetted. I don’t want to see ads for booze and gambling because it’s both a waste of my time, a waste of the advertisers time and don’t get me started on SPAM…
Send me ads about cool techie gear (I already subscribe to several email lists that are nothing more than promotional vehicles)
Anyway…rant over. i’m off to bed.