Microsoft is allegedly crafting a completely brand new operating system, completely removed from the Windows code base…
…Rob Helm, director of research for Directions on Microsoft, notes that it is “possible,” having previously heard of a secret OS project headed by former Microsoft Servers and Tools vice president Eric Rudder. He continues, saying that the project is most likely conceptual at this point, but of a more serious nature than ideas tossed about at Microsoft Research.
In other words, not a single line of code has been written.
Someone was recently railing on bloggers saying how they miss the cut and thrust of ‘serious journalists’. Jesus Christ – if this is the sort of speculative shite that serious journalists consider to be news, then I think every blogger should just give up and go home.
This is turd. People rail when Apple releases something and there’s a load of hype. Compared that to this – Microsoft release NOTHING. Not even a roadmap, not even an admission of a research project, and this is news.
But then again – this is why blogging tends to be much better quality, much better informed and much more readable. Despite what TechWire says.