Things that have happened

At aroud 6 am, two of the Infurious team hit the streets with thirty T-shirts bearing the MURDERDROME logo, based on the tattoo of the anti-hero Brett Heller from the MURDERDROME comic. They were given out, along with some of PJ’s comic, PREVIOUSLY, to anyone waiting outside the soon-to-be-opened Apple Store in Belfast. The night … Continue reading “Things that have happened”

At aroud 6 am, two of the Infurious team hit the streets with thirty T-shirts bearing the MURDERDROME logo, based on the tattoo of the anti-hero Brett Heller from the MURDERDROME comic. They were given out, along with some of PJ’s comic, PREVIOUSLY, to anyone waiting outside the soon-to-be-opened Apple Store in Belfast. The night before, crack commandoes from Mac-Sys Ltd, the Apple Authorised Service Provider, had descended on the short queue with hot coffee and biscuits to make sure the queuers would survive until morning.

Some people were even interviewed by the BBC wearing the ultra-cool MURDERDROME OFFICIAL MERCHANDISE (M.O.M.). How cool is that?

On top of that, we spoke directly to Apple on Friday about the reviewing results for Apps. There is no appeal process. I think Apple has been caught on the hop here – they are genuinely proud and also genuinely surprised not only at the number of apps being downloaded (and the revenues) but also the breadth, quality and facility of the applications they are seeing. And, like all things, there’s going to be teething problems. I said to the nice man at Apple:

“Apple needs to be seen as the honest broker in the App Store if it is to continue to attract the top level of developers. And, at the moment, decisions have been made which question that position.”

Even now I don’t think Apple realises how big this is going to get. I think they have begun to realise that there’s a lot of low hanging fruit but I don’t think they realise what motivated and enthusiastic developers will shoehorn into this little device. I mean they put NeXTStep on a Phone.

The iPhone may be limited by 128 MB RAM and 8 GB or so of storage but when you consider the most powerful NeXT machine used a 68040 processor, up to 64 MB RA and a 340 MB hard drive, the iPhone is simply a lot better in terms of hardware. And when you consider the applications they built upon NeXT? The sky is the limit!

Content Theft, alive and well. (One for the Cocoa fans)

Cool, I didn’t know you could just grab entire articles from the IntarWeb and publish them wholesale without even giving an attribution link! That’s what Rixstep has done? Scott Anguish, one of the nicest guys on the Intarweb is more than a little upset because Rixstep has repeatedly refused to remove his content which has … Continue reading “Content Theft, alive and well. (One for the Cocoa fans)”

Cool, I didn’t know you could just grab entire articles from the IntarWeb and publish them wholesale without even giving an attribution link!

That’s what Rixstep has done?

Scott Anguish, one of the nicest guys on the Intarweb is more than a little upset because Rixstep has repeatedly refused to remove his content which has been ripped of wholesale. What’s worse…

Scott writes

My copyright has been violated by his reproduction. Yes, the DMCA would allow me to get it taken down, and I am exploring that route. But given his track record, I see no way to stop him from doing this. He’s published incorrect and horrible stuff about me, Aaron Hillegass, and others, before.

It is imperative (and the reason I temporarily pulled things down) that long-time readers of Stepwise know RIX stole this.. I do not approve of his doing so. His use does not fall under fair-use, or commentary. He’s simple theft.

I’ve worked 13+ years on supporting developers by maintaining Stepwise (which truly is a labor of love) and I don’t want this theft and misrepresentation to damage that effort.

Rixstep gets traffic by stealing content, misrepresenting the opinions of the authors and doing the whole “keeping it real” thing in the face of millions of new Apple converts.

I must say it’s an interesting marketing step, calling Apple’s customers idiot fanboys while trying to flog them a replacement file manager. It really motivates me to buy it.

Scott Anguish is a pillar of the NeXTStep community. Anything that offends him and, in his own words “makes him sick” should motivate everyone interested in the Mac and especially Cocoa.