Contrast’s App School (more on…)

This may not have been clear in my last post but….those awful clever buggers at have decided to take a week off from surfing and take one lucky idea and turn it into an Application. Contrast are taking one lucky idea to App School. We’ll pick an idea submitted by an Irish startup, charity, … Continue reading “Contrast’s App School (more on…)”

This may not have been clear in my last post but….those awful clever buggers at have decided to take a week off from surfing and take one lucky idea and turn it into an Application.

Contrast are taking one lucky idea to App School. We’ll pick an idea submitted by an Irish startup, charity, non-profit or individual and teach it how to be a fully-grown app. We’ll build it in one week and we’ll show everyone how we do it. And, we’ll cover 95% of the cost.

Anyone with an interesting idea for an app, based in (the island of) Ireland and matching any of these criteria:

  • small startup,
  • charity,
  • individual with startup ambitions or
  • non-profit.

We’re not likely to pick you if we know you could afford to pay for it yourself; we want to give everyone else a chance. Also, if we know you’re in a position to promote the app and make it work after we’re done, we’ll be more attracted to working with you.

They’re asking people to fund a small percentage of it which might leave a lot of people out in the cold as €800-odd is not maybe the easiest thing to find in the current credit crunch (and for more on that, wait for a future blog post based on that concept and conversations with Darryl and Chris regarding “The First 50%”.)

The closing date for Contrast’s App School is Thursday the 16th of October. So get thinking.

So if you have a FABULOUS idea and the Contrast guys think it’s worthwhile, you’d have to wonder if that €800-odd would stand in the way? I think not.