Gareth at Hunky Doray writes about ‘ideas and implementation‘:
There was an article a while ago about the value of ideas. And when I say value, the article basically said that ideas are worthless. An idea has no value until it is realised. This is no Platonic ideal we’re living in. Only the concrete has value. There is no need for me to reiterate, but this is a blog, what else is it for? If you have an idea, get your head down and realise it. If you can’t do it, find someone who can. Just get the idea from you head and into a code editor window. Then get it out there. Don’t write about it. Don’t spend time thinking too much about it. Don’t ever think you’re the only person who has thought of it.
Gareth, just write your app and get it out there. If there’s already an app that does the same it proves two things.
- There’s a market there.
- You can do it better.
I say the first thing because if there’s no product in that space then there’s usually a reason. Granted, we’re in the early days of the App Store so there will be some first timers but if someone else has done the product it shows there’s a recognised need.
I say the latter because you have the advantage of seeing what’s wrong and what’s right with their implementation. Take the plunge.