This is something that annoys me as much as it does Zachary. Content Silos.
I’m wary of putting my data into other people’s servers. I’ve seen them fail, I’ve seen them disappear with other people’s data and I’ve seen the fallout it can cause.
Why is Momentile going to be any different to Friendfeed or Brightkite or any of these other services which are vying to be our biographers? We see the use of having an automated chronicler, but is it worth it when we’re just creating pipelines to automatically populate these various services from one source. I update Twitter and my blogs. They in turn update Facebook, FriendFeed, and any of the other daft services I’ve signed up to. The repetition is pointless and you end up dissolving your message into a dozen different streams.
What would make me use one over another? Quite simply- heartshare.