Today I was challenged about this web site.
“It’s not very welcoming”, they said.
It’s true. You go to the main domain site and it states curtly “Your IP has been recorded”. This is true of course, your IP address has been timestamped somewhere on my server which means I know when you were there and I can likely track you down to your IP pool at the very least.
But that’t not all.
“You want to start something? sounds like you’re picking a fight”
Well, that’s because I am.
I’m what they generically call an “angry blogger”. You only need to look at my tag cloud to see that. I call people names. I swear. I shout. And my tone is challenging at best, aggressive most of the time and down right insulting at it’s worst.
But that’s not really what it means.
Do you want to start something?
Start something. Start a blog. Start twittering. Start using RSS. Start filling in your FaceBook or LinkedIn profile? Start connecting. Start a new business. Start talking to people. Start paying attention. Start looking outside. Start listening. Start losing that weight. Start learning a new skill. Start reading more. Start thinking more. Start playing games. Start a community group? Start a web site. Start an open forum. Start getting involved. Start something.