Over the last while I’ve not spared the BBC in terms of the ridiculous rigmarole that is iPlayer – how they encode at least three versions (Windows DRM, Desktop Flash and the iPhone version). It’s annoying because it was license fees which paid for it. ITV and Channel 4 have long escaped my beady eye … Continue reading “Stupid DRM”
Over the last while I’ve not spared the BBC in terms of the ridiculous rigmarole that is iPlayer – how they encode at least three versions (Windows DRM, Desktop Flash and the iPhone version). It’s annoying because it was license fees which paid for it.
ITV and Channel 4 have long escaped my beady eye but I’m kinda fed up that while the world is consuming platform-neutral video, these companies insist on putting out video which can only be consumed by someone with access to Windows Media Player 11. As they’re an ad-supported network, I can’t understand why they’d want to restrict things this way.
Compared to them, the BBC are doing a stellar job with iPlayer – I, for one, wouldn’t be without it.