Revealing the not-so-secret curmudgeon in me…

James at eirepreneur writes: ‘maybe we can do business some day’ Startup entrepreneurs should read that a few times. We like to think of ourselves as great socializers in this country, and we are, but not in the same way as the entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley. As regards doing business we’re much more inclined to … Continue reading “Revealing the not-so-secret curmudgeon in me…”

James at eirepreneur writes:

‘maybe we can do business some day’

Startup entrepreneurs should read that a few times. We like to think of ourselves as great socializers in this country, and we are, but not in the same way as the entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley. As regards doing business we’re much more inclined to cost social capital in terms of immediate payoff. “Why bother with OpenCoffee, Barcamps and Podcamps if I don’t have a new customer or business partner next week?”. But in California social capital is a long term investment and one made without expectation of payoff.

I’m sorry James but that reads to me just like the have a nice day wishes you get from your local fast food franchise. It’s no more committal than that certainly. If they were genuinely interested then it would be immediately followed up. It sounds like a “let’s be friends” statement when a courting doesn’t go quite the way you planned it.

It has the desired effect of course, leading us to feel good about the person probably in a way we no longer respond to when conversing with a franchise employee. Familiarity, however, will breed contempt. Right now, it’s just new.

The fact that it costs nothing to smile is not lost on the locals who don’t always look for an immediate payoff. Indeed there are likely hundreds of instances where we can look at the people in the Irish blogosphere and wonder: where’s the payoff? Indeed we might as well look at the blogosphere itself and consider where is the payoff? There’s precious few people making a living off blogging and I blog variously for my personal enjoyment as well as for the entertainment of the masses – and not for the payoff (what payoff???)

Paddy’s Valley is, from what I can see, living RSS. It’s delivering the content to the people we want to read it. They’ll learn, we’ll learn – it’s the semantic web, just minus the web bit. I’m a cynic because I’ve been to enough trade shows and talked to enough businesses that I recognise ‘maybe we can do business some day’ as a substitute for ‘goodbye’. It’s notable that it wasn’t said by any of the companies and partners that I did end up doing work with. If anything it makes me consider the sentiment handed over with fries and coke as possible even more sincere.

It is said we must judge ourselves by our achievements and others by their intentions. Let’s see some intentions and not just words.

It sounds more like amazement that complete strangers are polite!

*shock horror*

Who would have thought it?

Everyone is 12 years old on the Internet

Today, we were looking up domain names for a new venture which would provide content to mobile devices which would be aimed at those with touch screens. We played about with touch* and then the meme moved to iterations of finger* [13:33:01] (aidan) Sounds a bit rude. [13:33:17] (mj) Because you’re 12 years old. [13:33:38] … Continue reading “Everyone is 12 years old on the Internet”

Today, we were looking up domain names for a new venture which would provide content to mobile devices which would be aimed at those with touch screens. We played about with touch* and then the meme moved to iterations of finger*

[13:33:01] (aidan) Sounds a bit rude.
[13:33:17] (mj) Because you’re 12 years old.
[13:33:38] (aidan) As are most comic readers.
[13:33:50] (mj) Everyone is 12 years old on the internet
[13:34:09] (mj) which is why Aqua’s buttons were said to PULSE and not THROB
[13:35:30] (aidan) 🙂

Modern work environments

From the San Jose Mercury News Like other valley stalwarts, including Intel and Sun Microsystems, Cisco is casting aside the cubicle culture that has thrived in the United States since the late 1960s. In its place, the company is embracing a new workplace design that saves space and money, and encourages collaboration among co-workers. … … Continue reading “Modern work environments”

From the San Jose Mercury News

Like other valley stalwarts, including Intel and Sun Microsystems, Cisco is casting aside the cubicle culture that has thrived in the United States since the late 1960s. In its place, the company is embracing a new workplace design that saves space and money, and encourages collaboration among co-workers.

Each morning, Intel employees will log onto the corporate network using wireless connections. Their phone numbers will follow them. White boards that employees use to sketch out business plans and project strategies will be outfitted with electronics so drawings and plans can be transferred to laptops and e-mailed to colleagues.

About 100 years ago, in 1999, I suggested something like this to my team lead. We were just about to outfit the wing with new desking and I suggested we might wan tto use open plan desking, reducing the height of the towers and cupboards so we could see each other. We’d kit all the desks with big screens and desk level power and have a charging socket for our handsets (using the Nortel mobile handsets which hooked into the internal telephone system). We would remove the standalone workstations and put them into the server room and use X11 to access them. Instead of pedestal drawers we would use lockable cupboards in a central location. We already had wireless at a massive 2 Mbps DSSS!

Ultimately it was poo-pooed because people wanted their name badges in a single place. Things were just not progressive enough back then. Which is one of the reasons I’m so enamoured of bedouin working now. I’ve been trying to do it for years.

Currently, I’m in the stone age technologically. While at home and with Infurious/Mac-Sys I’m in the 21st Century with 17″ MacBook Pro, iPhone, Wireless, VoIP, VideoConferencing and all the presence-software I can eat; during the day I’m tethered to a single desk, with a desktop computer, an awful clackety clackety keyboard, two low-res 17″ screens (I should count myself lucky there’s two), a desktop phone with a dozen buttons I don’t use and a rabble of wires behind the screens. And yes, just over a month ago I was upgraded to Windows XP.

Doing remote support using the tools provided is an exercise in frustration. Not having access to laptops, VoIP phones and having the expectation that I will call the United States on my personal mobile phone and then fight my way through the system to get the costs back is truly killing my enthusiasm. It’s not as if I don’t work for a technology division. Ah. Yes, it seems I do.

Steve put it plainly: it’s the difference between working for a technology company and working for a company that happens to use technology. While a CIO might shout about how we have the need to simplify and lead the business, there are areas which are simple to resolve (like information retrieval). These issues won’t be solved because they’re good for the customer (me) but not necessarily good for the IT department. It’ll make them work and learn. The will isn’t there to provide a modern work environment now as it wasn’t in 1999 in Nortel. I’m not even talking about cutting edge but rather just using the capabilities we have. i.e. having IP hardware phones on the desktop is a waste if they can’t provide IP softphones too. The latter would enable us to log in from anywhere and get our telephones as well as our desktops (though to be honest, they haven’t even sorted out the desktops thing yet).

To be fair, we don’t have cubicle-culture but it certainly a workstation farm. Rows and rows of screens. People’s heads in regular punctuation. Meeting room devoid of computers, projectors, anything but a normal whiteboard.

Stone tools and string, I tell you. Stone tools and string.

I asked for my team to get laptops with IP softphone software for the Christmas period so they could provide effective support over the Christmas period without having to trek into the office. Having almost given up on that – I’ve begged for the IP softphones alone.

It’s so frustrating.

Software Engineering Tips for Startups

Adaptive Blue offers some tips for software startups. 0. Must have code 1. Must have a technical co-founder 2. Hire A+ engineers who love coding 3. Keep the engineering team small and do not outsource 4. Ask tough questions during the interview 5. Avoid hiring managers 6. Instill an agile culture 7. Do not re-invent … Continue reading “Software Engineering Tips for Startups”

Adaptive Blue offers some tips for software startups.

  • 0. Must have code
  • 1. Must have a technical co-founder
  • 2. Hire A+ engineers who love coding
  • 3. Keep the engineering team small and do not outsource
  • 4. Ask tough questions during the interview
  • 5. Avoid hiring managers
  • 6. Instill an agile culture
  • 7. Do not re-invent the wheel

Pretty sensible really. It’s definitely for a company who’s in the ‘spring’ of their development as opposed to a startup. They’ll have money to hire with, for example.

When we started Infurious we had ideas and one coder. Now we have 3 actual coders and 1-2 additional workers who don’t write code. It’s a very different experience. But of course being a startup which has workers who only work in the evening (all having additional day jobs) is a very different world.

Almost Perfect: the story of WordPerfect

I read this a few years ago and to be honest it speaks volumes to me as only a partially technical guy in Infurious. I empathise a lot with the author and there are bits in there which chilled me to the bone when I remember the genesis of Mac-Sys, the first “death” of Infurious … Continue reading “Almost Perfect: the story of WordPerfect”

I read this a few years ago and to be honest it speaks volumes to me as only a partially technical guy in Infurious. I empathise a lot with the author and there are bits in there which chilled me to the bone when I remember the genesis of Mac-Sys, the first “death” of Infurious and the struggles I had with people at the time. Of course, with Mac-Sys I was the technical lead as well as the handsome and charismatic leader whereas in Infurious I’m very much the appendix.

Almost Perfect, the story of WordPerfect

I recommend this to anyone who’s even considering starting a software business. Some of the lessons may be dated as it’s focussed very much on the retail space rather than the internet space.

A Meandering Tale

The incredibly readable Joel Spolsky writesa very readable talk at Yale. It meanders a little but that just makes it all the more crunchy. I had one or two lecturers like that at University and I’d say we learned more and listened more when they made the story interesting: The Windows Vista team at Microsoft … Continue reading “A Meandering Tale”

The incredibly readable Joel Spolsky writesa very readable talk at Yale. It meanders a little but that just makes it all the more crunchy. I had one or two lecturers like that at University and I’d say we learned more and listened more when they made the story interesting:

The Windows Vista team at Microsoft is a case in point. Apparently—and this is all based on blog rumors and innuendo—Microsoft has had a long term policy of eliminating all software testers who don’t know how to write code, replacing them with what they call SDETs, Software Development Engineers in Test, programmers who write automated testing scripts.

The old testers at Microsoft checked lots of things: they checked if fonts were consistent and legible, they checked that the location of controls on dialog boxes was reasonable and neatly aligned, they checked whether the screen flickered when you did things, they looked at how the UI flowed, they considered how easy the software was to use, how consistent the wording was, they worried about performance, they checked the spelling and grammar of all the error messages, and they spent a lot of time making sure that the user interface was consistent from one part of the product to another, because a consistent user interface is easier to use than an inconsistent one.

None of those things could be checked by automated scripts. And so one result of the new emphasis on automated testing was that the Vista release of Windows was extremely inconsistent and unpolished. Lots of obvious problems got through in the final product… none of which was a “bug” by the definition of the automated scripts, but every one of which contributed to the general feeling that Vista was a downgrade from XP. The geeky definition of quality won out over the suit’s definition; I’m sure the automated scripts for Windows Vista are running at 100% success right now at Microsoft, but it doesn’t help when just about every tech reviewer is advising people to stick with XP for as long as humanly possible. It turns out that nobody wrote the automated test to check if Vista provided users with a compelling reason to upgrade from XP.

One of the things I’ve been doing recently is developing a test plan for Rickshaw. We’ve been nailing bugs here and there mostly due to weird and wonderful undocumented things in Mac OS X. I think, next time round, I’d like to build something simple and solid, like a text editor or maybe a few HUD-enabled Hello World applications. The whole uncertainty of doing something really freaking cool with undocumented APIs just continues to put the willies up me. Things are progressing and there’s not much left to do.

Our test plan consists of using the software and making sure we run through the fifty or so tests we’ve written down. Some of them are just re-iterations of previous tests and some of them are designed for testing in the various versions of Mac OS X. As long as Apple doesn’t release 10.5.2 or 10.4.12 in the next few weeks, we’ll be all set.

Testing in itself is boring. Using, on the other hand, is great. I used an early build and for a time forgot I had it installed. I was sending out URLs left, right and centre to everyone who I sent an attachment to and not only did I get no complaints but people kept asking me how I was doing it and what “Rickshaw” was. I was using the unregistered version which has some additional signature text, sosumi!


The last paragraph in Joel’s talk is absolutely chilling and not copied here so, go read. I’ll be waiting here for when you get back.

When I was teaching at the ‘Tec’ in Lisburn, it was like this. There were some courses which were relatively hardcore like Computer Architecture (which I taught) and then there was the Web Design course. In my third year teaching, they introduced the Website Admin course which was the next step in the Computing, Business and IT curriculum and involved use of a scripting language and some sort of database for dynamically-generated web pages. At the time I wasn’t a programmer but I understood the principles and could hack together some simple scripts in PHP to create an address book or something. The students had the pre-requisite of the Web Design course where they learned about HTML, hyperlinks and the like.

Or so I thought.

I was introduced to the Website Admin course two weeks into the course. The previous instructor, who was the logical choice as he was he same guy teaching Web Design, had given up and walked out of the class leaving 23 confused adults. The course head came to me as I was finishing up a Computer Architecture class and asked me to take it. I agreed to consider it if she could get me the syllabus now and I’d let her know in the morning when I’d had time to read it.

No, she replied quietly. She needed me to take the course NOW.

A little shell-shocked I grabbed the syllabus from her and wandered into the class and had a sit down talk with the 23 adults and established that though they had completed the Web Design course with merits and distinctions all, not one of them had even seen HTML. I told them what we’d be learning and there was a horrified hush in the audience. They explained the Web Design course consisted of creating pages in Word or Powerpoint and exporting to HTML. I was nearly sick. I had to start from the first principles with them.

And then the class was over and I had six days to prepare 12 weeks of a course. Some of them struggled, one or two fell in love with the more technical aspects of it and by the end of the 12 weeks were doing some amazing things with PHP – amazing to me anyway considering what I’d had to teach them. Lack of resources and short sighted administrators meant that our “toolkit” consisted of Notepad, the MS-DOS command line, my laptop running an early version of Mac OS X, mysql and Apache and my personal server (an old PowerMac 8100 running Mac OS X Server). We had no support from the faculty office, no resources, no server and, frankly, no time. I gave them logins on my server, I hosted all of my lecture notes online so they could work on the assignments from home or work and I gave them my personal email address.

Not long after I stopped teaching. They moved more into providing “pre-packaged” certification courses and began to pump out a hundred MCPs and 40 CCNAs a year. I was bored of trying to teach things the right way and not getting any resources, any consideration and working for hours and hours outside the classroom for free just to create a decent practice environment. Maybe I would have been better just giving them Powerpoint?

But they coped and as I said, some of them thrived. Everyone but one over three years of teaching that class passed, there were distinctions and merits too. The one failure was for many reasons which I’ll not go into here. And about three years later I was up at the University of Ulster Jordanstown campus (giving a talk to some undergraduates about IT and entrepreneurship) and bumped into one of my students. He said he was poor as a churchmouse but loving very minute of his Computer Science course. His aspirations when he started the Business IT course was to help his bricklayer boss with the accounts. The Website Admin course showed him there was more to the web and he changed his life. (He now works for a web consultancy firm in South Belfast).

Joel’s article helped me remember that today and cheered me up no end.

Managers and non-Managers

An interesting perspective on the difference between a programmer and a manager. So here’s my theory: Managers must work shallow and wide, while programmers must work narrow and deep. People who are naturally tuned to one particular method of work will not only enjoy their jobs a lot more, but be better at them. I’m … Continue reading “Managers and non-Managers”

An interesting perspective on the difference between a programmer and a manager.

So here’s my theory: Managers must work shallow and wide, while programmers must work narrow and deep. People who are naturally tuned to one particular method of work will not only enjoy their jobs a lot more, but be better at them. I’m a deep guy, I should be doing deep work.

I prefer a slightly different theory.

Producers are the people who really do the work. They learn the hard stuff, they put it into practise, they take pride in their work and they concentrate on the here and now in terms of what they are doing. The “here and now” is defined as the product they are working on and isn’t meant to imply a blinkered approach, just that the concerns of other projects are not primary.

Managers need to do something that Producers do not. They need to manage resources: people, money, time. Depending on the amount of resources to be managed this may preclude them from also being producers. Managers have to not only look after the deadlines of a project and the money taken to build it up but also ensure that the producers are content. Yes, surprise surprise, managers exist to keep producers happy and not the other way round. Joel Spolsky of Fog Creek Software wrote about the Developer Abstraction Layer.

Everything we do comes down to providing a non-leaky abstraction for the programmers so that they can create great code and that code can get into the hands of customers who benefit from it.

In a small company, like a tech startup, those who are managers are often also producers. If they’re smart they’ll hire an Administrator early on, not to provide instruction but to handle the day to day running. To make sure people get paid on time, to make sure there’s coffee in the kitchen and that the toaster works. This was something that was completely lost on a previous business partner of mine. Their opinion was “Make em work harder” whereas my attitude was “Make it a nice place to work and make them proud of their work”.

Joel continues:

Management’s primary responsibility to create the illusion that a software company can be run by writing code, because that’s what programmers do. And while it would be great to have programmers who are also great at sales, graphic design, system administration, and cooking, it’s unrealistic. Like teaching a pig to sing, it wastes your time and it annoys the pig.

Let’s dispense with the idea that management are “above” the producers and we’ll start to understand why it’s usually a bad idea to promote high performing producers into a management position. Why not keep them doing what they enjoy and just reward them better? Some companies have given some lip services to this idea via positions such as Technical Specialists and Software Architects but these positions are few and far between.

Similarly the producers have to realise that there’s a whole support infrastructure that has to go hand in hand with keeping them employed. Just because the 10 code-gurus in your team create all the code you sell, it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be aware that everyone has to be rewarded. This includes the managers, the admins, the cooks, the cleaners, the sales folk and the guy who comes in to water the faux plants. The producers are best doing what they do best: writing code, editing movies, recording tracks, building widgets. Everyone else is there to help them focus on that task but again the people cannot be made to feel like subordinates.

In my jobs I’ve constantly had to work with primadonnas. Producers who were convinced that the world revolved around them, managers who believed the producers were only there to provide them with cronies, administrators who were grumpy when you asked them to do their jobs and sales folk who thought the customer was stupid. We are all part of the same machine and it’s as important for the producer to realise that he’d be unclogging toilets and fixing chairs rather than coding or building if not for the managers and administrators as it is for managers and admins to realise they’d be useless without the help of this support infrastructure.

College degree or Entrepreneur

There’s a meme going round that you don’t need a college degree to be a success especially if you’re going to start your own business. It’s true. Citing examples such as Bill Gates, Henry Ford and Simon Cowell, it goes to show that success is not made out of paper qualifications. It’s all about talent, … Continue reading “College degree or Entrepreneur”

There’s a meme going round that you don’t need a college degree to be a success especially if you’re going to start your own business.

It’s true.

Citing examples such as Bill Gates, Henry Ford and Simon Cowell, it goes to show that success is not made out of paper qualifications. It’s all about talent, hard work, savvy and not a small amount of luck.

However you shouldn’t go through life thinking that college is a waste of time. I once told Aidan that I believed that you would only end up working in the field you studied in if you were very unlucky. My own example, a degree in Genetics, and yet I work in information technology and I’m glad of it. Though I love biology/genetics as a subject and I love being informed about it, I’d not have been as happy to work in that field for the rest of my life.

It’s natural to wonder whether college is really necessary. A college degree, as many have found, is no guarantee of a good career.

Going to college is not a guarantee of a career – you actually have to put some work in and keep working after the fact. Any fool that thinks a college degree is going to guarantee them success probably doesn’t need the degree (they’ve probably got the family connections).

As a commenter on the article remarked: you’ll be lucky to get the kind of success they describe with three college degrees. Using Richard Branson or Michael Dell as your life guru is one thing but don’t consider yourself a failure of you don’t achieve their lofty heights.

In many cases the luck element in terms of timing was just right. It would be hard for Michael Dell to make his fortune now if he were a college student building PCs in his dorm room. The same goes for Henry Ford. Looking at a recent example, Mark Zuckerberg is currently riding the crest of the wave that is Facebook which was started in February 2004 and has just been valued at $15 billion (which is about enough to get two gravy chips and a pastie by todays inflation).

Of course, some companies won’t even look at you if you don’t have a college degree. I remember campaigning to a manager in Nortel back in 1996 that they should get a recruiter out to see the writer of Dreadling, who was a Belfast teen. The reply was “But he wouldn’t have a degree.” which, as you can tell, is a bllinkered attitude directly linked to their share price (I’m kidding here). I hear he was whisked off to Apple after a stint at Biznet. He was described to me about a year later as a “star” by one of the seniors at Biznet. Every company should look for stars, college degree or not.

A college degree is a piece of paper which says “This person is capable of a standard of work.” There will always be cheats in the system (like one girl who got her boyfriend to do all of her coursework. She did tremendously well in coursework and then did badly in the exam, coming out with the lowest Honours classification after being a star pupil all year – which goes to show, you don’t have to work hard when there’s coursework involved). For the most part, however, it is a certification of some ability to think, write and prepare reports. There’s not much room for innovation as an undergraduate – the equipment you’re given is substandard, the teaching you’re given is full of personal bias and the postgraduates assigned to you actually hate you passionately with an intensity that increases every time to speak to them – so any undergrad who shows some innovation is going to be outside the norm.

Some of the most talented people I know don’t have college degrees yet they have managed to build up a resume which has some of the biggest names in business. They’ve proved their worth in terms of their ability to produce extraordinary results, their ability to learn quickly and make good relationships with colleagues.

I’m glad I went to college. I learned a lot, made some friends (retained very few) and had some fabulous experiences. I didn’t spend any of it “off my face” on drugs or alcohol (which makes me a bit of an oddity apparently) but I don’t feel I missed out any. I fell in with a “bad crowd” in terms of nocturnal entertainment because having reliable lab partners was of more value to me than a night out with the lads. College gave me my first exposure to real computers. Before this I’d had a Spectrum. In college I was logged into some DEC UNIX workstations and playing with telnet, finger, ftp because that’s all we had. There was no WWW at the time. I remember logging in one day and seeing a new icon in the Applications folder. Mosaic? And of course there wasn’t much out there. We certainly couldn’t buy anything over the net. And there was almost zero advertising. You had to go and look for it. But we had email, we had instant messenger (zwrite on the DECs, and talk to chat to people on other UNIX systems worldwide.), we met in virtual worlds (MUDs, MUSHes) and we built simple web sites. I find it a little bizarre that I can Google for my student ID from 1990 and find posts I made to newsgroups and mailing lists. I guess that’s a rather unfortunate non omnis moriar and not one I’d hoped for. I was in the College OTC and that meant I travelled, learned to shoot guns, went climbing an abseiling, flew in helicopters, drove tanks and otherwise had a great time. I’d not have missed that for the world.

College gave me a grounding in Information Technology. It gave me some great experiences. And it taught me a little about biology, evolution, genetics, chemistry and people.

More waffle about Silicon Valley

Via Daring Fireball, Evan Williams writes about writes about why startups should go to Silicon Valley In my case, anyway, Silicon Valley (or thereabouts) was exactly where I needed to be. The fact that I tried to start an Internet company in Nebraska for three years before coming out set me back at least three … Continue reading “More waffle about Silicon Valley”

Via Daring Fireball, Evan Williams writes about writes about why startups should go to Silicon Valley

In my case, anyway, Silicon Valley (or thereabouts) was exactly where I needed to be. The fact that I tried to start an Internet company in Nebraska for three years before coming out set me back at least three years—three formative years, no less, for the Internet (and for me). There was no reason, at 22, with a sense the Internet was going to be big, not to get my ass out here and get whatever job I could until I knew enough to go on my own. By staying in Nebraska, I relegated myself to spectator, even though I was trying to be a participant.

It’s important to remember what I said before about Silicon Valley. Holywood is to Silicon Valley as hopeful actors are to nerdy guys with the next great idea.

Being your own boss

The problem with being your own boss for a few years is that you get used to some things. In some cases it’s setting your own hours though your hours can be dictated by your customers. You at least have the choice whether you want to attend to them rather than kowtowing to their every … Continue reading “Being your own boss”

The problem with being your own boss for a few years is that you get used to some things.

In some cases it’s setting your own hours though your hours can be dictated by your customers. You at least have the choice whether you want to attend to them rather than kowtowing to their every whim. In an ideal world, customers are a positive relationship but it’s important not to lose sight of the fact that money changes hands.

I have a practice that tells me to focus on the core business and don’t be afraid to give away business that you don’t want to do. Mac-Sys did really well a few years ago by being up front with a new sector of potential customers. We had no interest in dealing with Windows clients. And there were numerous companies out there with a couple of Macs surrounded by a few dozen Windows PCs. We didn’t want to take on the PC companies who were servicing the Windows PC so we offered to work with them. This had the benefit of the PC company being able to service their clients better – their Mac clients didn’t feel ignored and the PC company didn’t feel threatened by us. This same practice has prevented me from making costly mistakes in diversification.

Other benefits can be in the decisions on how you do business and not just what you do. Allowing yourself to move out of ethically grey areas and into the clear. This means, for example, not spamming your client list or not stealing their content as a recent storm on the Irish blogosphere indicates – this can be bad for business.

You can also fire your customers. Seems like a common theme everywhere but Northern Ireland. The worst thing you can do as a company is allow your employees to retaliate when there’s a storm brewing. As the boss, make the decision on whether the business with this customer is worth the grief. If it is, make it up with them. If not, kick them the hell out. There will always be a “worst customer” so think carefully.

More satisfying however is to fire a bad supplier in my experience. Imagine my joy when a market research firm acting on behalf of my business bank called earlier this week to gauge my opinion of how they were doing. This is a bank that, when we needed them to help us, grabbed us by the short’n’curlies and yanked tight. They offered us the Small firms Loan Guarantee where the government underwrites the loan, but only if we would further underwrite it by supplying our own security – so if we defaulted, the bank would get paid twice. When we wanted a card swipe machine so we didn’t have to deal with cash and cheques, they tried to levy a 10%+ charge per transaction on us (where the norm is about 2%) and told us it was standard policy. When we worked our butts off and repaid everything, including what we realise now was a crippling interest rate, they refused to change. So, loan free, this year we walked and took our business elsewhere. And when I was finished rating them poorly in their scores I was asked by the market researcher, Dave, if I minded them contacting me about the poor ratings. I replied: If they dare. I’m really looking forward to that call.

The biggest benefit I found was that it was much easier to realign business process or, in the vernacular, cut through the crap. The ability to see a bad practise isn’t always easy. It requires you to question the way you do things, sometimes even undermining your own decisions. You shouldn’t feel emotional about this – it’s about fixing problems and at the time the decision may have seemed totally sensible and, in some cases, your only option.

Living with other people’s bad decisions is harder. And rationalising decisions made by committee, or worse, by culture is really really hard. I wish I’d counted the numbers of shrugs I got from senior people here when I’d asked why they were doing things the way they were doing things. The stock answer seems to be because it’s the way things have always been done.

This brings me to the subject of change.

One of the defining qualities of a manager seems to be in the management of change. For many cases of management, you could substitute “coping with” or even “suppression of”. Change tends to start at the top with the people least qualified to define it. Then the sequence of moving that change down to the individual producers, the people who will implement the change, will pass it through several stages of watering it down as well as self-interest allowing the change to be used for political or career purposes. The most important thing in managing change is buy-in. And by that I don’t mean lip service during a meeting. It has to be a change that everyone will see as a benefit. And if there is no benefit to the people who will make the change, why the hell are you doing it?

Make change for the better. And be sure it will make things better by checking the status of the change during and afterwards and comparing it to where you were before you started. If it’s not making things better, stop doing it. Getting past your own ego is the biggest challenge you’ll ever face.