Everyone should have an aggro list. There are two columns. The first had the header: Aggro List for Today. The second has Permanent Aggro List. Underneath each column you write the names of people who have causes you aggro (aggravation or annoyance). Some people go on the “day” list almost immediately, some people make it onto the permanent list. It’s also easy to graduate someone to the permanent list. It’s hard to justify relegating them to the day list…
It goes without saying (but I will anyway) that if you do keep one. Keep it private and don’t pin it up in your workplace. No sense in becoming an addition on someone elses aggro list.
Aggro lists
Everyone should have an aggro list. There are two columns. The first had the header: Aggro List for Today. The second has Permanent Aggro List. Underneath each column you write the names of people who have causes you aggro (aggravation or annoyance). Some people go on the “day” list almost immediately, some people make it … Continue reading “Aggro lists”