Went to see Harry Potter. Not a bad movie but isn’t Alan Rickman being typecast these days. There was a trailer for The Lord of the Rings just before it and even though I’ve seen the trailer before, seeing it on the big screen sent shivers down my spine. I think I’m looking forward to … Continue reading “Potter, driver, gamer, saner”
Went to see Harry Potter. Not a bad movie but isn’t Alan Rickman being typecast these days. There was a trailer for The Lord of the Rings just before it and even though I’ve seen the trailer before, seeing it on the big screen sent shivers down my spine. I think I’m looking forward to it.
Someone tried to kill me yesterday. Didn’t look, didn’t signal, was driving at 60 miles an hour. Would have been a sad end to what seems to be turning into a pretty good life.
Gaming. Looks like Crucible is well and truly dead. John said some hurtful things and I didn’t back down. I’m tired of backing down – I’ve had enough of people promising to do work for it and never coming out with anything and then leaving me to do their work for them. Doubly so when they are the first ones with the pen out when people want books signed. On other gaming news, I got a review of Testament and …well… it’s pretty harsh. There are some things I disagree with and it’s maybe plain that the reviewer didn’t actually read what was written but I’ll post the URL and the rebuttal when the review is up on rpg.net. Maybe I’m not cut out for this malarkey – maybe I should try writing a proper book or maybe I should just start writing the script for my film…
I’m in a good mood however. Some silly cow sent me an email with a virus and then thought I was a friend of hers when I replied to let her know she had the virus. Doh! Some people eh.
Anyhow, I’m off. I had a hundred things to write about but they can’t have been that important as I’ve forgotten them.
Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for cigars…