Loonies all around

“I see that you yourself are from Belgium. One can hardly imagine a more America-hating socialist European nation than that.”

“I see that you yourself are from Belgium. One can hardly imagine a more America-hating socialist European nation than that.” – Michael Amorose on the Mac OS X Dev list.

Michael is addressing Marc Van Olmen because in 2006, Michael didn’t get hired for some job. His diatribes were documented in full and in public on the Mac OS X Dev list kindly hosted by Omni.

Michael may be a talented developer but he’s also an arsehole. His argument (publicly documented here) is a testament to the sort of person that you can end up hiring. It’s my opinion, based on this content, that Michael may be paranoid. Just a little. And perhaps the telephone interview he refers to pointed out exactly this quality. Is it just his paranoia? His obvious racism (which another poster describes as ‘nationalistic pride’). His frothing at the mouth need to be heard? Let’s face it – if the dumbass had a case he’d have already run them through the courts and come away with an award or a settlement. As it is he probably has employment lawyers slamming the door in his face and changing their telephone numbers.

Technical skills in todays market are not enough. I could tell you stories that would curl your toes of the cringeworthy behaviour of people these days – people who think that you can bully your way into situations or who think that manners and propriety are unnecessary. I remember one such person who, when they left the room, the other occupants stared at me and one said,

“You’re a smart guy. What the fuck was that?”

I could only shake my head and wish the nightmare was over.

Let’s face it. Michael Amorose may be a talented developer but based on his other “qualities” there is no way I’d ever hire him.

BT – an exercise in excellence

Not content to let Orange and O2 be the only idiots in town, BT have stepped in. First they LIED about the activation date for the line itself and now they can’t give us any forecast of when the line will be made available to broadband. They claim to have no idea. What’s more: BT … Continue reading “BT – an exercise in excellence”

Not content to let Orange and O2 be the only idiots in town, BT have stepped in.

First they LIED about the activation date for the line itself and now they can’t give us any forecast of when the line will be made available to broadband.

They claim to have no idea.

What’s more: BT reckon that my entirely NON-rural address should be capable of a maximum of a 256 kilobit download speed.

I’m completely underwhelmed.

[ UPDATE: I will have broadband in 7-10 days. Whoop de frigging doo. At a seat-of-pants-tearing 512Kbits. Maybe.]