5 year Plan

Somewhat inspired by Ian Robinson’s declaration of his 5 year plan. I can’t really separate things like Home/Work (which is probably a bad thing) but here’s some things I hope for: learn to program. Seriously. Find a mentor who has infinite time and patience. Learn some cocoa and get something out there so someone other … Continue reading “5 year Plan”

Somewhat inspired by Ian Robinson’s declaration of his 5 year plan. I can’t really separate things like Home/Work (which is probably a bad thing) but here’s some things I hope for:

  • learn to program. Seriously. Find a mentor who has infinite time and patience. Learn some cocoa and get something out there so someone other than me will run some code that I’ve written.
  • lose weight and keep it off. I used to be a lean, mean fighting machine but I’ve definitely gotten a little fuzzy around the edges. But now getting to age where I feel like I’ll have to be careful.
  • take up photography. Properly. By watching the blogs and tweets of others, I know what I’m meant to be looking for but the step of getting into Aperture/Lightroom and working with HDR and the other acronyms seems like a big step.
  • convert the garage, the basement and the attic. Maybe not me personally. But get them all done. And plan the extension. Yes. And keep one of them for my geek crap.
  • retire. Not seriously. But wouldn’t it be nice…

So, go on. Make it a meme.

Command Line History meme

From the biscuit, the command-line meme: On my Mac: MacBook-Pro:~ mjohnstn$ history | awk ‘{a[$2]++} END {for(i in a)print a[i] ” ” i}’ | sort -rn | head -10 69 cd 55 ssh 42 ls 38 ping 37 say 31 top 23 ifconfig 23 curl 19 sftp 15 whois I must say, Steve is a … Continue reading “Command Line History meme”

From the biscuit, the command-line meme:

On my Mac:
MacBook-Pro:~ mjohnstn$ history | awk '{a[$2]++} END {for(i in a)print a[i] " " i}' | sort -rn | head -10
69 cd
55 ssh
42 ls
38 ping
37 say
31 top
23 ifconfig
23 curl
19 sftp
15 whois

I must say, Steve is a ‘ls’ freak.